Friday, December 16, 2016

Creativity in digital photo was essential to making pictures look unique. The use of layer mask allowed us to fluidly edit images that otherwise would look awkward in that setting. With more experimentation with PhotoShop, I can improve my creativity and skill. The works produced in the class had ranged from magazine covers to selfies. Shading in the image was important in making the work look visually pleasing and blending an image’s rough edges. In class, I participated in the reading and completed my notes. If the person sitting next to me was struggling, I tried to help them as much as I could, (though I was normally the one needing help). I put effort in the class and did my best to make sure assignments were done on time and fully completed. I tried to ensure that I put effort and creativity into my shots

Friday, December 2, 2016

4 Portraits

1. Selfie
2. It doesn't use the rule of thirds
3. Asymmetrical
4. The one with nazim. He's caught off guard

Friday, November 4, 2016

Black and white Photography

I liked the curves filter the most because it was the easiest to tweak and play with

Black and White




Formal Portrait

1. My favorite portrait was the edited one because thats where he looked most comfortable
2.The easiest part was whitening the teeth
3. The hardest part was removing the blemishes on his skin

Edited Portrait

Unedited Portraits

Friday, October 7, 2016

President's photographer Questions

1. He is a documentary photographer to create an archive of pictures for history.
2. Lyndon B Johnson
3. He made him leave his office before a broadcast, he severely restricted his photographers access.
4. The white house barbers shop.
5. They are displayed in the west wing of the white house.
6. All day long he has to go wherever the president goes.
7. Pete can't delete photos because it is a law that anyone can view any photo.
8. I think that it would be a cool occupation because it gives you unprecedented closeness to the president and what is going on in the USA.

Monday, October 3, 2016

Bracket exposure

1.F stop 5 Shutter speed 1/25
2. F stop 5 Shutter Speed 1/50
3. Yes because I got to experiment with the process instead of just having it explained to me
4. lower the aperture

Photoshop Tutorials

Comic Book tutorial

Dream & Blur tutorial

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Photo Scavenger hunt

An Ant looking at food

A bird looking at the ground

Three year old looking at an adult



Someone who stands out in a crowd

Photo at 9 am

Photo at noon

A building

A part of a building

A door knob

Picture with plain background

Something shiny